Tax Returns

Our experienced team can guide you through the tax return process, ensuring that you meet all your tax obligations while minimising your tax liability. We can also assist with tax planning to help you maximise your deductions and reduce your tax bill.

At NCTBK, we understand that tax compliance can be a daunting task. That’s why we offer personalised advice and support to help you achieve the best tax position possible. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you with your tax planning and compliance needs.

At NCTBK, we offer a range of tax services to help individuals and businesses navigate New Zealand’s tax system with ease. Our team of experts are well-versed in the latest tax legislation and can assist you with all your tax planning and compliance needs. Here are some of the tax return types we can help you with:

Company Tax Returns

  • IR4

  • IR4J

  • IR10


  • IR526

Individual Tax Returns

  • IR3

  • IR3R (Rental Income)

Partnerships & LTC

  • IR7

Residential Property Sales

  • IR833


  • IR6

Need help with your tax returns?